Bungwa Bakma: Flower Worship in Khambu Culture

 Written by Pradeep Khambu Rai

The Khambu Rai have a very unique method of healing with the use of flowers through Flower shamans (Mangpas) known as Bung Mangpa, to summon peace and prosperity. It is believed that the human body parts of all Khambus are adorned with different and rare flowers of the mountains, hills and the plains. An impure body would cause these flowers to move from their usual position, or could wither away thereby creating health problems. 

In order to have mental composure and good health, the body flowers need to be in their correct positions. The respective places and positions of the flowers must remain unmoved. Such traditions though quite popular in the ancient times, is now on the brink of disappearnce. This ritual is normally observed right after Udhauli and is known as Bungwa Bakma. The Mangpa has an assistant called Chuptungmi who in turn has an assistant called Dengsungmi who helps pick the flowers required for this ritual.

These flowers usually grow in the difficult terrains of the mountains, hills and the plains. These flowers are also considered important to the study of Botany and for producing herbal medicines. Only the Bung mangpa or his assistant can identify these flowers. One can accidentally or unknowingly pluck out these flowers and no harm will come to him. But if these flowers are to be used in a ritual to honor Budahang, the Bung mangpa or his assistant must recite the Mundhum/Muddum to explain and justify the picking of these flowers. Thus, during the process of plucking out these flowers, the Bung mangpa and his assistant tremble as they are continuously reciting the Mundhum all along. 

If there is an error while picking the flowers, the Bung mangpa and his assistant would be in a constant danger of getting hurt or could even lose their lives in an accident. For any Bung mangpa and his assistant, Sesame, Barley, Soyabeans, Sorghum and Goat meat are considered impure and are strictly forbidden. Bungwa Bakma (Flower Worship) is a day when special care must be taken to avoid impurity. Any impurity could be fatal to the Bung mangpa Flowers must be picked from the same plant as per the needs with the help of a knife and must be covered with its leaves before it is placed in a special collecting bag. Since the ritual has many risks, even Khambus who know the Mundhum do not dare to perform it.

Pradeep Khambu Rai 

Pradip Rai is a writer and researcher studying the ethnic culture and history of the Himalayan Tribes. Connect with him on facebook


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